Listen to the Sky

Did you listen to the sky on January 20, 2019?  In North America we were blessed with a full lunar eclipse.  And here on the Pacific coast, at least in Vancouver, we were graced with a clear sky on the same night as the lunar eclipse!  Now that is a rare wonder.


Listen to the sky
photo by dhaval parmar,

And what a sight it was, watching the earth’s shadow slowly envelop the moon. The shadow waxing, waxing, as the moon’s brilliance waned to a mere sliver of silver. And the moon transformed from flat silver disk to glowing sphere. As the shadow shifted, the colours subtly changed, like one massive glowing ember.

Listen to the Sky

But did you hear it?  Did you listen as you watched heaven’s show unfold?

“The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal knowledge.

They have no speech, they use no words;

no sound is heard from them.

Yet their voice[, goes out into all the earth,

their words to the ends of the world.” [1]

It’s as if the sky, the stars, the planets and their moons echo the Word.  

“In the beginning God created the earth … God said let there be…”

And now the stars, their orbiting planets, and their circling moons echo the voice of the Creator, declaring and proclaiming his wonder.

Beauty in the Shadow

As I watched the earth’s shadow or umbra dim the light of the moon, Here’s what I heard: The shadow couldn’t conceal the moon, in fact the umbra in covering the bright sun reflection, served to give a different view of the moon. The moon became visible in three dimensions rather than just two.  And we saw more colour. As the shadow shifted, we saw variant beauty of the moon.

Listen to the sky
photo by: linda xu,

Though this was the first time I sat and gave my full attention to a lunar eclipse, I’ve often watched shadows creep large and block my view of God’s brilliance. When shadows darken MRIs, finances, dreams or relationships, it’s easy to see our world in grey. Too often God’s glory is eclipsed by troubles, loss, even death.

Cancer, anxiety, eating disorders, unresolved conflict, legal troubles, pain, insomnia, memory loss, divorce, and death. A 28 year old son, brother and husband dies because of complications from an ankle injury?! And dreams and hopes die right along with him. How do people keep from spinning right out of this galaxy of pain and brokenness?  

I’m watching and listening as friends walk through dark, dark days of grief. I’m learning from my community, that in dark places, it’s possible to fix your eyes on Jesus, and to see his beauty through the shadow of pain.

Fixing our Eyes

If we keep our eyes earth bound, we’ll see only that our circumstances have gotten dark.  But if we look to the light – new glories will appear. New dimensions, new colour, new wonders that are hidden by light. Some things are only visible in the shadows.

As we fix our eyes on Jesus, we glimpse his compassion. We glimpse his attention, his kindness. We notice the way he orders a few loving details, like a bird that circles, whispering care. Hospital staff honour a girl’s faith. Humour and community sustain through the loss of memory. Growing intimacy with Jesus renews hope through the chaos of divorce. Endurance grows through both physical and emotional pain.

“… Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the [author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” [2]

I’m prone to grow weary and lose heart.  And when I’m weary and losing heart, I just want the shadow to pass already! I try to rush through it, as though I could control an eclipse! I pray that it will pass. I complain and whine, “Why me! Why this! Why now! Really! This too?”

It’s funny how I didn’t try to rush the lunar eclipse. I hunkered down in front of my living room window, reclined on the floor, in a posture conducive to waiting and watching for the duration of the lunar show. I wasn’t mentally rushing this event.

Why not do the same when my circumstances grow dark? Why not hunker down in a welcoming posture of waiting and watching, to see new dimensions of God’s love, his faithfulness, his care and provision, his wisdom and power. It is possible to have an attitude of gratefulness and expectancy in the shadows. And as I watch and wait I can listen to hear how God wants to transform me.

Endurance through Discipline

But this wisdom, trust and joy can only grow through discipline. And usually to our eyes, discipline looks dark. If you’re an athlete, or if you’ve suffered an injury, you know the importance of discipline. Healing the injured muscles, requires lots of time spent with the therapist, or trainer, and lots of time stretching and eventually strengthening not only the injured muscles, but the surrounding muscle systems.  

Listen to the sky

The discipline of exercise causes muscle pain. But there is something so satisfying about watching strength grow. I’m motivated when I notice the increasing repetitions, the increasing weights, the ability to perform exercises that were impossible at the start. If we grow weary and lose heart, we won’t be rewarded by the healing and strengthening. To stick with the exercise program, it helps to focus on the improvements. In other words, discipline and thanksgiving are the best companions.

Whatever shadow darkens my day, I can be thankful that the creator of the galaxies cares enough to grow my trust, my faith, my endurance, my resilience, my love for the people around me. I hear his songs singing over me, songs of delight. He delights in me?! In his delight, my fears disappear. Even the fear of discipline. And I begin again, to adore him. I can begin to give thanks for the shadow.   

Lord, I’ve kept my eyes too much earthbound. When shadows come, I want to fix my eyes on you and see your glory in the dark. I want to see your attributes that are only visible in the shadows, your tenderness, your patience, your wisdom. I want to welcome your correction, and watch your discipline grow my endurance and strength of heart. I want to listen to the songs you’re singing over me.

Lord, give me ears to hear,

The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim the work of his hands.”

Ears to hear the wonders of our mysterious, powerful, yet tender God.


The Reading

[1] Psalm 19:1-4; [2] Hebrews 12:2-12; James 1:1-4, 12

Additional Posts on This Theme:

Hygge 1, Hygge 2

The Pondering

Are you experiencing an eclipse of sorts? What is shadowing your perspective?

What is God eager to show you in this dark place?

Is there a discipline you’re avoiding?

Take time to fix your eyes on Jesus. As you adjust your posture to wait, watch and listen to God’s glory in the shadow, what is he revealing about himself to you?

Take time to notice how his discipline is growing your strength and endurance. Journal what you’re thankful for and share it with a friend.

HEADER PHOTO CREDIT: teddy kelley,


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4 thoughts on “Listen to the Sky”

  1. I really could relate to this article. Thanks for the wonderful words of encouragement, and insight.
    In God I can hope again! Thanks again


  2. I love the connection of eclipse to times of shadow, Katherine, and the very trusting, positive response of staying the course, positioning oneself to take the entire eclipse in. Such a great perspective. ❤️

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